Brian Eno

 Link to presentation: 

I really enjoyed learning about Brian Eno. I had heard of him and his work before, but it was super fascinating to dive deep into him as an artist. He's worked with so many talented people, and throughout all his work, I could feel and hear his presence. He obviously has a very unique view point on music.

I especially liked seeing his transition into ambient music. I liked to see the rock music he made before it, and the way that his ideas of music and his goals changed and matured.

I like the ideas of stretching the now. Creating music that fuses or "enhances" with the sounds and environment of the listener.

His installation art was really interesting to me as well. It was cool to see someone that has had such commercial success, still striving to create new and interesting art. That really stood out to me as test of character, and as a test of being a true artist. 

My thesis:

Brian Eno developed a unique music style that is meant to coincide with daily life, and help the viewers be more present. In his art instillations, he draws attention to the beauty of life, by striving to make the audience more aware of the current moment.

It was interesting to me to see how everything that seemed to happen was very natural. The way he acquired his video camera and created his first installation pieces was natural, the way he came up with ambient music was natural, it truly felt like everything flowed into his life because he was open and receptive to it. I think that was part of the reason I enjoyed his art so much. None of it felt like "forced significance", it all felt like it happened because it was supposed to be made.


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