These were the first pictures I took. I wanted to do something interacting with the strings of the piano because I love the texture of them. I chose this ring because I really like how it looks. I paid an artists that I found on Instagram to make it for me, and got to help design it and pick out the stones. The sweater was just what I had on.

I wanted to try putting the ring in a different context, specifically a different texture. I thought it would be cool to try a blanket. I chose to try to put different objects from here in the same context to see how that would impact the viewing experience.

This is the objects in a moldy fridge I found in the Hiett storage.

Here I put them in the sink. I really liked how this made them look.

Here they are on the window sill from my first project.

Here are the object inside a chip bag.

This is how I found the ball of embroidery thread, I wanted to see how the objects would look in a spot that felt unintentional. I don't like how it looks.


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