
Showing posts from January, 2024

Kayla Bauer Exhibition Reflection

 Today I went and checked out the exhibition in the Mudd Gallery by Kayla Bauer. I was not sure what to make of it. I wish I had been able to attend the talk that she gave, because without it I felt like I was missing the context that made this piece significant. I enjoyed some of the pictures, but other ones felt random and insignificant. They didn't even seem like they were done to intentionally lack purpose, they just felt weird. Some of the text was cool. What if the universe didn't exist? What if there was nothing? I liked these two in particular. I was wondering what the title meant but couldn't find anything online, and couldn't think of any meanings either. It's interesting to see found photos with her own photography. I wonder which were which. It's interesting to think on how that builds on the visual identity of the city.
  These were the first pictures I took. I wanted to do something interacting with the strings of the piano because I love the texture of them. I chose this ring because I really like how it looks. I paid an artists that I found on Instagram to make it for me, and got to help design it and pick out the stones. The sweater was just what I had on. I wanted to try putting the ring in a different context, specifically a different texture. I thought it would be cool to try a blanket. I chose to try to put different objects from here in the same context to see how that would impact the viewing experience. This is the objects in a moldy fridge I found in the Hiett storage. Here I put them in the sink. I really liked how this made them look. Here they are on the window sill from my first project. Here are the object inside a chip bag. This is how I found the ball of embroidery thread, I wanted to see how the objects would look in a spot that felt unintentional. I don't like how it looks.

10 Spaces

  These are all spaces that are in my dorm building. I took a picture of the stairs I walk, the end of my hallway, the shower I use, and my room. I don't feel very at home here. It's very weird to be living in a dorm for the first time since freshman year, the walk to the communal shower is truly humbling.  These two pictures are from a place called Tandem. I play there every Wednesday and Saturday for a few hours. It's become to be one of my favorite places in Appleton. The owner and me are friends, and I'm thinking about doing my exhibit in the room on the right. I like the brick walls, they feel like a canvas, and the room could be stripped of everything inside.  The picture on the left is the space outside of the room, and downstairs is the bar and where we play. This is the outside smoking area at Jekylls. They have some cool masks on the wall, as well as this weird parrot sculpture. I like the lighting. The picture on the right is the hallway to the costume shop i...

No. 1 - Three Objects

When I began to search for three objects to photograph, the vocal tuner was the first thing that I felt like anything of substance. It is rusted on the metal part, has an interesting weight to it, a square font, and holes along the side. While it is something that does serve a purpose and is useful, I have never once used it for its purpose. It was my grandmothers, I'm not sure why I still have it, but somehow it made it's way from back home all the way up here with me to college. I don't have any other objects that from home, and I definitely do no have anything else from my grandparents so I think it's funny that I still have this. As I began looking for other objects, I wanted to find something that had the least amount of value to me, that still served a purpose. I eventually found this cigarette filter. It's from Amsterdam, I have about 20 filters left, and don't smoke cigarettes often, so I don't particularly care if I have filters. I don't typical...